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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sweet Potatoe & Carrots with Orange and Rosemary

Sweet Potatoes & Carrots with Orange and Rosemary

My 7 year old made our dinner plans: cheese burgers on the grill, carrots, and chocolate ice cream. 
So that's what I did!!!! Burgers for my husband and I included jalapeno and bacon mixed in the buffalo meat with jalapeno ketchup! Delicious. But the carrots......I had to make them better than just a carrot so this is what I did!

3 carrots - peeled and diced
1 sweet potato - diced
2 clementines - diced
1/2 cup orange juice
2 tbs Fustinis Blood Orange Olive Oil (or plain olive oil) 
In a hot pan over stove at medium heat put all ingredients in and cover. Stir at times. Cook until soft and some browned.

Place in serving dish and stir in 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp rosemary. Serve hot/warm

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